Green Lemon

Architect: Kusha Ghoreishi

Work team:

Celia Gil Gallardo (Architect and Interior Designer)
Luis Rodríguez Torres (Engineer)
Francisco J. Corbacho (Architect)

Project Owner: Málaga TechPark

Contractor: Colorbeton SL.

Bayo&García Technical Architects
T-ingeniamos (Acoustic Study)
Kauri (Construction Manager)
Hidalgo Monci (Lighting)

Photographs: Javier Callejas Sevilla

Location: Severo Ochoa Street 57. Campanillas (Málaga)

Year: 2020


The design concept of the Limón Verde Companies’ Launching Space is based on the creation of a space where the different companies located in the PTA can encourage entrepreneurship and the development of ideas.
The philosophy of the design arises from the concept of the lemon tree, the generation of a space that inside formed by a forest of lemon trees that configure the work space, but that at the same time is understood like a continuous and flexible space.
The project is configured in four spaces with different uses:

  • Start-Up Space: This is the main work space, with a total capacity for 20 companies, with 6 seats in each of them. Therefore, the total number of people to which it is destined is 120. The design concept is based on the idea of the lemon tree, the generation of a space that abstracts the shape of a forest, through the integration of a semi-covered space that allows visual continuity: a space of a more human scale is generated without losing the continuity of the space.
  • Exhibition Space: A new exhibition space is generated, based on the creation of a space with a spiral route, in which both the objects already existing in the current exhibition (computers, gastronomic objects) can be exhibited and the projection of images and videos on the generated walls is allowed, making it a flexible and changing space. The idea is based on the creation of a continuous space that, in a way, separates the use of exhibition from the work spaces. It will create a path in which all the objects that currently exist in the exhibition space are located.
  • Meetups Space: A space is created for conferences, group meetings and meetups, by creating a tier that acts as an agora.
  • Lounge Space: This is a rest area on the second floor, which will have vending and coffee areas, as well as leisure areas.
  • Other spaces: the current offices will be converted into meeting rooms for small groups. The toilets on the ground and top floors, as well as the storage areas, will continue to be used in the same way.